Sunday, January 24, 2010

Thing #2

I've just finished viewing the 7 1/2 Habits Of Highly Successful Life Long Learners,

The habit that comes easiest for me is habit #2, Accept Responsibility for Your Own Learning. Whether it's at work or in my personal life I seek out ways to keep learning and become better at what I do. As my role as a special education teacher has changed over the years I have sought out ways to continue learning including seeking out staff development, learning from co-workers or observing successful classroom teachers.
I don't always "begin with the end in mind" (habit #1), and as a life long learner I don't alway think that is a bad thing. Some learning, like going back to school to get my library certification, has a very clear end in mind. For me, sometimes the end doesn't become clear until I've learned a little. Like the 23 Things. I have no idea what I'll be learning but somewhere along the end will become clear....I think.

1 comment:

  1. it soundss like you had a rough evening, but when you get a few calmer moments, you will want to learn to hot link words and not just put urls in your posts!
    When you are in the blog post box, you will see a little piece of chain that is the key to making hot links...not only in blogs but in lots of other 2.0 resources.
